General Terms and Conditions

Das Friedrich
Martin-Luther-Straße 31
8970 Schladming

+43 (0)664 25 13 399

§ 1 Validity of the General Cancellation Conditions 

These terms and conditions of our restaurant ‘Das Friedrich’ are the basis for table reservations. Subsidiary agreements and amendments to the contract must be made in writing. This also applies to the cancellation of the text form requirement.

§ 2 Binding nature of table reservations 

With your table reservation, you make a legally binding declaration that you will be present in the restaurant with the announced number of people at the time of the reservation and that you will select and order from the food and drinks offered on the menu. A contractual obligation is thus established with the table reservation.

§3 Cancellation free of charge

(1) If you are unable to keep the agreed date and cancel the reservation at least 4 hours before the agreed date, no cancellation fees will be charged. In your own interest and to avoid misunderstandings, we advise you to cancel by e-mail to our e-mail address: by telephone or in person at the restaurant.

(2) Furthermore, no fees will be charged if it is still possible for us to assign the table you have cancelled to other guests at short notice.

§ 4 Cancellation fees

If you do not cancel your table reservation in good time in accordance with § 3 (1) or if you do not appear at the reserved time on that day, we may demand reasonable compensation for our useless expenses.

These cancellation fees amount to € 30 per registered guest. The same applies if fewer than the announced number of guests turn up.

§ 5 Proof of lesser damage

You are at liberty to prove that no or significantly lower costs have been incurred than the above flat rate.

§ 6 Late arrival at the restaurant

Late arrival at the restaurant of up to 30 minutes after the agreed time is tolerated and does not give rise to a claim for cancellation fees. In the event of late arrival, please contact our restaurant in good time.

§ 7 Assertion of cancellation fees

You make an advance payment by credit card. The amount of the advance payment corresponds to the amount of the cancellation fees that would be incurred for all registered guests under the conditions of § 4. Your advance payment will be offset against the final price to be paid by you for the food and drinks you have ordered if the catering contract is duly executed. If we are entitled to a cancellation fee in accordance with § 4, this amount will be offset against the amount paid in advance and the amount paid in advance will be retained by us. If you cancel the reservation in good time in accordance with § 3 (1), we will refund the amount paid in advance.

§ 8 Reimbursement of additional expenses

If you have commissioned us to provide additional services, such as special table decorations, we will always invoice our expenses separately. We will provide you with information and evidence on request.

§ 9 Data protection for online reservations

You can find our privacy policy here: Data protection Das Friedrich (

For on-site reservations: Our privacy policy is displayed at reception.